These are the 10 Very Beautiful but Deadly Animals!

Humans get over the territory of the beautiful animals, and life of animals became more difficult. Some of the animals look very adorable and cute, but these beautiful furry creatures can be absolutely dangerous. Freedom is very important for most of the animals and they can do anything if someone enters their boundaries. This article is going to share the information about 10 beautiful and adorable animals, which could be very dangerous and killing machines in disguise.

  1. Wolverine (Gulo gulo)

This is a thick furry and muscular animal. That looks very adorable on the first sight. It seems like a cute little teddy bear with small legs, big round head, small eyes and round ears. This cute animal is very deadly, because of its aggressive nature. Its name became popular with the Wolverine movie and it can kill many times big prey in minutes.

Wolverine (Gulo gulo)-netmarkers


2. Australian Box Jellyfish

Box jelly fish have the cubical umbrella that differ them from other jellyfishes. It moves very rapidly and it is highly dangerous as well. It is called as the “the world’s most venomous creature”. This fish could have up to 60 tentacles filled with venom that could kill 60 men at once.

Australian Box Jellyfish-netmarkers


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