Lessen your burden of kid’s Holiday Homework!

Holiday homework is an important part of the vacation time. It is essential, as it keeps them stay in-touch with their curriculum and provides them an opportunity to do some mental exercise! It also helps them to practice and memorize the concepts taught in school. Teachers give homework for the same reason. Necessary revision is done in class once school reopens, but if the homework is not given, teachers will have to redo everything they taught earlier which will be time consuming and will lead to lagging behind in the syllabus. So it is important for parents also to take the homework seriously.

Stick to a routine

With homework part, be strict about the timings. Fix the time to sit and finish it with no excuses. Kids usually have the attitude of keep delaying as they don’t like to sit and do something for longer time. They feel stuck at one place. Initially, it might be difficult for you but give them examples like “In class also, do you run around and do your classwork?” or say “If you stay put, it will be over in no time.”



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