Cranky kids and helpless parents!

Day or night, kids can be cranky anytime they want. Parents have to be ready for it all the time. After the kids are born, this crankiness is one of the major concerns of all the parents. Most of the time, it is bearable but continuous crying and grumping can lead to very stressful atmosphere. When kids are frustrated, they don’t see anything but what they want. They don’t care if you are doing something important that can’t wait or you are too tired to do what they want. It is easier on the parents with two kids as at least they don’t bother parents to play with them all the time.



Sometimes, without knowing the reason behind a child’s whining, parents tend to raise their voice and scold the child. It is really not fair. No matter how much the child is fussy, after all it is your responsibility to cool him/her down and until you thrash it, it will not resolve. Usually, kids are cranky either they are over-tired or they are really hungry. Notice the reason every time your child is cranky and act accordingly.



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