These uses of essential black pepper oil are amazing!

Black Pepper is considered as King of Spices as it enhances the taste of food we eat as well as beneficial for us in every possible way. It is mentioned in Ayurveda, Unani and many more traditional medicine texts. People who are native to India are familiar about this spice; we have 5 amazing benefits…

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Get rid of knee pain in minutes with this easy stretch!

Knee pain- a very common health problem which is being faced by people of all ages. There can be several reasons associated with it, one looks for relief instantly. Medicines can provide relieve to the pain for a short while. Our knees take a lot of misuse with the amount of weight we put on…

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Amazing Effects of consuming roasted garlic!

Just the thought of consuming garlic in raw form can give us chills, but there are several people who do so. Nature has given us a lot of gifts in the form of fruit, vegetables and plants .One such gift is Garlic, it is known to be full of potent vitamins and ingredients that can…

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Beware! These are the signs of life threatening mold illness!

Mold illness – Type of illness that happens due to living in environment filled with mold. Places such as water damaged buildings; places with too much water around are perfect breeding grounds for mold. Mold causes illness without allergies and is capable of causing infections and toxic reactions. It can be life threatening unless you…

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Insufficient water intake could be dangerous. Can lead to health disorders!

After oxygen, water is the most important element of survival because it helps in the proper functioning of the body. Our body consist of 70% water and it has been excreted every day through urination, bowel movements, and sweat. An adult male and an adult female should drink daily about 3 litres and 2.2 litres…

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OMG! The tooth pain informs which body organ has a problem.

It sounds almost weird and amazing that the health of your teeth correspond to health of various organs in our body. This has been said by experts or doctors.  Experts researched and found that upper and lower incisors correspond to the state of kidneys, bladder and ears. Canine teeth reflect the health of the liver…

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Having split nails, you are deficient in this mineral.

Continuous split nails creates irritation to an individual. Instead of going for cosmetic remedial measures, one should be concerned about bodily health which is giving us warning that you are lacking in something and due to that you are suffering from splitting of nails.  The reason behind split and broken nails is a manganese deficiency.…

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Avoid Microwave ovens! They result in dangerous disease you are unaware of!

One thing that could be easily found in most of the kitchens nowadays is microwave oven. Through the food, microwave radiations are sent by the ovens that make the water molecules move so quickly that heat the food from inside. The molecules of the food are damaged structurally since the polarity of molecules is turned…

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Amazing Yoga Poses for constipation!

Constipation is a normal health issue which is faced by almost every people now days. Due to constipation one has to suffer from stomach pain, headache and difficulty in bowel movement. Constipation means untimely stool or passage of hard stool. All this is cause because of unhealthy lifestyle. It has to be cure as early…

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Here are the amazing benefits of Ginger tea!

Ginger is an herb which is also known as rhizome. Most of the people think that it is a root as it is derived from underground but actually it is a stem.  From hundreds of years ginger is used in the treatment of several diseases with success like asthma, pain and in combating cardiovascular diseases.…

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Effective Home Remedies for Swimmer’s Ear!

In medical Language Swimmer’s ear infection is also known as otitis externa. It is an infection of outer ear canal. Swelling, pain or discomfort, itching, muffled hearing are the mild symptoms of swimmer’s ear.  It is an infection of outer canal. It can also cause severe pain in head, face or redness in the ear,…

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DIY Homemade Cough Syrup!

There are two homemade recipes for Cough Syrup which are described below: Honey has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which help in fighting upper respiratory tract infections. It helps in calming a cough by soothing the throat. Lemon have antibacterial and antiviral qualities and it also contain the vitamin C. Lemon helps in boosting the immune…

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Here are 10 Easy home remedies to Get Fair Skin

Every women secretly desire beautiful and glowing skin. But, the growing pollution, sun and dirt make our skin look lifeless, dull and dark. Here are 10 easy homemade tips to get fair and glowing skin. This article provides detail about the easy tips with explaining the benefits of different food products. Green Tea Water and…

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Amazing home remedy for the treatment of Vitiligo!

Vitiligo is characterized by skin patches and is a long term skin condition. The skin patches that are affected by this problem become white. Generally, it is said that Vitiligo has no cure and this fact disheartens those who are suffering from this problem. But to worry anymore as you can get help from some…

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T-Cell therapy- Here are the remarkable Results!

One more achievement of Science by engineering T-cells from immune system to fight various types of blood cancer. Moreover the first clinical trials have shown outstanding results. Several human volunteers suffering from various forms of blood cancer underwent testing with T-cells and results were 80% positive. In a single study, 94% of volunteers with deadly…

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Amazing Home Remedies for cleaning Ears!

Earwax provides protection, lubrication and antibacterial properties to the outer ear canal and it builds up in ears which can affect hearing. Excess build-up dirt, bacteria, and other debris in the ear can increase the risk of infection, which can cause pain in the middle ear, fluid drainage and impaired hearing. People who use hearing aids or older…

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10 Important things about our blood types we must be aware of!

There are four common blood types A, B, AB and O. Blood type is determined at the time of birth but each and every individual’s blood type is different and has unique characteristics. All blood possesses several features which helps us in determining the way external influences impact our bodies. Various characteristics of blood types…

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