What??? These 10 deadliest wars claimed over 2 million lives! Amazing facts!

The history of the world is stuffed with the wars that were fought for number of reasons such as political, religious and much more. Such wars have always been followed by serious consequences such as terrible living conditions, massive number of deaths, food crisis, dislodgment of population etc. This trending post lists some of the wars that are termed as the Deadliest wars in the human history and the reason and some amazing facts why they are called so. These are the wars that were fought at an inconceivable scale and incurred a death toll of over 2 million.

Chinese Civil War

Martial Parties: Communists and Nationalists of China; Phase: 08/1/1927-12/22/1936 and 03/31/1946- 05/1/1950; Death toll: 8 million

The Chinese civil war was the result of the clash that was there between the cohorts of two political principles- one under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek called as Kuomintang’s nationalism and other under the leadership of Mao Zedong called as Communist Party of China’s communism. Two separate governing states were resulted by the conflict. However, to fight Japanese invasion the combating between the two sides has been ceased for a brief period between 1937 and 1945.

Chinese Civil War-Netmarkers



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