Only a few, dare to visit these 10 mysterious places of the world!

There are many places in the world that have hidden great secrets in them. These secrets have been hidden there for many centuries. Some of the places have been witnessed crimes, like disappearances and many freakish natural incidents. According to many eyewitnesses, these events have been hair-rising and freaking. The stories about such places have been passed from generations to generations. However, pinning down the truth about such mysterious places is not that easy.  In the scientific era, accepting such stories without any kind of empirical data may be unacceptable for some people, when sometime there are not particle answers for some unknown natural phenomenon. Sometimes these mysteries were so complex for even the paranormal investigators.

Overtoun Bridge, Scotland

mysterious places- Netmarkers

In the last 50 years, 50 dogs have jumped to death from this bridge. This bridge is called to be haunted since 1994, when a man threw his newborn from over the bridge. And, later he confessed that bridge asked him to do so.











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