Here are the amazing Home Remedies for Treating Sunburn!

Sunburn is a very complicated problem that arises during summers. The heat of the sun forces people to cover up their bodies while going out. However, sun burn can occur any time of the year, as it happens mainly due to the exposure towards ultra violet rays of the sun. When the skin is exposed towards the UV rays, melanin in the top layer of the skin rises up. This pigment is responsible for the darkening of the skin. The tan caused due to over production of melanin is due to the reason that this dark pigment works as a shield, and saves the deeper layers from the sun. Some of the home remedies for treating sunburn are:



Yogurt is rich in enzymes and probiotics that heal the skin. Yogurt can be directly applied to the affected are. Keep it for at least 5 minutes, and wash it off with cool water.


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