How to closely manage the party prank situations?

When it is a party-time, then we cannot keep the fun away from it! And why should we do the same? When children have their party, then it is their moral right to enjoy the time with full of zeal and felicity. But it is also important to note that if the activities taking place in the party are not monitored closely, then it could lead to disaster as well.




Here, as a father, I would like to say that it is always good to give children, their space and liberty to enjoy the time. But it is also necessary to discourage children from trying some of the tricks that could be dangerous to other children. It is not like you are the host of the party and that’s the reason why you should elude one such situation at your home. It is important, so that the child nurtures the habit of respecting the interests of others and play pranks within a certain limit.



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