What? Human flesh is sold as beef by China!!!

In a recent Daily Mail article and a Facebook post that has gone viral, it is stated that the beef that was being exported by China to Africa was in reality human beef.

At first, the pictures were circulated on Facebook in which a factory was shown in which the production of meat was going on. The chopped up remains of human were shown in the pictures and this resulted in rage on the outlet of social media.


As per the claims of the press in Zambia, the activities of the factory were exposed by the people who were working there.

Two reasons were given by the press in Zambia behind this inhuman activity of China:

  • As per them, to dispose their dead, this is an easier way.
  • For them, to give this meat to the poor countries was cost effective as real beef that was of high quality and high costs could be reserved for the western countries who can afford its costs.

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