Here are 10 Easy home remedies to Get Fair Skin

Every women secretly desire beautiful and glowing skin. But, the growing pollution, sun and dirt make our skin look lifeless, dull and dark. Here are 10 easy homemade tips to get fair and glowing skin. This article provides detail about the easy tips with explaining the benefits of different food products.

Green Tea Water and Honey Face Pack

This is a very simple face mask to be prepared at home. The green tea water and let it cool. After it gets cooled down, mix two spoons of the rice and a table spoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients to form the paste. Apply this paste to your face and keep it for 20 minutes. After that was the face with cold water.


Oats and Lemon Face Pack

Take one table spoon of cooked and mashed oats, and one table spoon of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients to form concoction. Massage this paste gently on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. After that wash off the face with cold water and pat dry.



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