Astonishing facts about how height affects your health

Wanting to be tall only to look superior is not something you would want to pull off from a health viewpoint. Being tall for sure gets you a handsome amount in the modelling industry or entitled for playing a sport and becoming an athlete. Although the boons to it are appealing, the banes that it carries along are astounding. Little are we aware that being exceedingly tall or to short can have a health brunt on your body. There are seven ways mentioned below  how our the height of the person affects their body.

Heart disease and diabetes

The short people are in jeopardy when it concerns cardiovascular health. The taller a person is, the strengthened blood vessels they possess. A persons Height protects them from cardio metabolic disease like diabetes. Healthy and balanced diets are the foremost aspect causative to faster growth, which also reduces the risk of any cardiovascular disease.



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