How a simple Black Dot Can save your Life

Have you ever happened to see someone showing hand with a black dot on it? What does that Black Dot mean and for what reason they are showing to you?Well that’s the sign of immediate help and you should soon call the police. The black Dot campaign is an initiative by FACEBOOK that aims to distinguish the victims of the domestic violence.

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It may look a simple black dot for most of us, but it is a sign that the person is in some danger. One must rush towards them to help to ask them if they need any and should call the police if necessary.

Why Dot and not other means?

According to the campaign organizers of Black Dot: “The black dot on the hand lets professionals know you’re a really vulnerable domestic violence survivor, and that you need help but can’t ask because your abuser is watching your every move. In just 24 hours the campaign has reached over 6000 people worldwide, and has already helped 6 women.”

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Story of pregnant Women who was hugely abused by her husband:

Women said,” A survivor recently shared her story: “I’m heavily pregnant and the baby’s father is very abusive. With words, his hands. I’ve been petrified for so long and even more with the baby coming soon. I was at the hospital yesterday, he was with me, he never leaves my side anymore. I had to have an examination so the consultant asked me to lie on the bed and drew the curtain. I leant over and took the pen out of his pocket, pulled his hand over to me and wrote ‘HELP ME’. I didn’t have to say a word.”

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Help People

Everyone wants a life which is filled with love, care and compassion but because of some mentally handicapped people in the society has made the life of people hell. This Black dot is powerful tool for them to make people in their surrounding aware of their violence. Make sure to assist those in need whenever you see a person with a black dot.

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