Shocking Android Features none of us know

In today’s world scenario it is impossible to find any person without a Smartphone. Smartphone has made the life of a person very easy and has replaced use of many things. There are numerous features in the Smartphone that 90% of the users do not know actually.  For our valuable readers we are sharing fascinating features of Android which will be very beneficial.

Saving Battery Power

Using dark color background for your screen will keep your device charge for longer time.


Saving Battery Power netmarkers


This feature of android lets you to listen the article if you are not in mood to read. To add this feature, go to the settings –>  Accessibility. Search for the Text-to-Speech option and turn on.


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Smartphone remote control

For the security purpose, android gives you the feature to locate and block your mobile if you lost is somewhere. To enable this feature, follow the given procedure. Go to Settings –> Security –> Device Administrators. Check the boxes next to android Device Manager i.e. remotely locate this device, Allow Remote lock and Erase Now.


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Turning on Guest Mode

If you have lot of stuff which you don’t want others to look inside your phone then this feature of android is made for you. Guest Mode allows you to hide the data. To enable this mode, swipe down from the top with two fingers and select the user icon on the right upper side of your screen. Add Guest Icon appear. Select the specified data which you want to hide from the person handling your phone.


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Screen magnifier

Many people find it difficult to manage Smartphone due to poor eyesight. This feature helps them to see magnificently by simply tapping on the screen. To magnify follow the given steps: Go to Settings à Accessibility à Magnification gestures.


Screen magnifier netmarkers

Control your Smartphone with head movements

This feature of Android phone is very interesting. It allows you to operate your phone by the head movements. For this what you need to do is to download app known as EVA Facial Mouse.


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