10 Celebrities who went for Surrogacy to retain Curvy Shape



Celebrities are the most health conscious people and can go to any level to maintain their shape and figure. Becoming mom is the most beautiful feeling in the world but it comes with a cost of stretch marks and shape deformity. Many celebrities has opted for surrogacy and retaining the shape being one of the greatest reason. Here are the 10 celebrities who went for surrogates to carry their babies.

10. Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks had its first child York from the photographer boyfriend Erik through surrogacy. Earlier, couple tried to conceive but did not get any success. So at 43 she did not think it was healthy to carry baby so she opted to surrogate.

tyra-banks netmarkers

9. Elizabeth Banks

Hunger game star Elizabeth banks and her husband Max Handleman had their two children via surrogacy. In an interview it was revealed that Elizabeth was suffering from womb issues.

Elizabeth Banks netmarkers



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