Amazing!!! 90% of colon cancer cells could be killed by this oil as per scientists!

As per the prediction of the American Cancer Society, in this year alone, there will be more than 95,000 new cases in America of colon cancer. There are number of side effects of the general treatments like radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery for this disease. Therefore the researchers of cancer have been trying hard in order to find a treatment for this disease that could prove to be more safe and reliable. Such a treatment has been found in the recent studies at the University of Adelaide conducted by the scientists. This has gone viral for the treatment of colon cancer as there are no side effects of this remedy. Go through the post to get the details about this treatment.


Colon cancer

In our digestive system, another name of the large intestine is colon. This part process the extract the nutrients from the food like minerals, vitamins, protein and fats after extracting them from the food. This separates the food and waste and then passes the waste out of the body. The cancer of large intestine is termed as colon cancer and occurs when in this part of the digestive system, cancer cells start forming.

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Causes and symptoms of colon cancer

The symptoms of colon cancer could only be identified by regular and constant screenings by the doctors as these are few. But this could be prevented from further spreading by early identification of polyps and treatment. Exact causes of this disease are not known but genetics is one of the major factors behind this. Some of the symptoms of cancer are: fatigue and weakness, diarrhea or constipation, blood from the rectum, constant gas, cramps in abdominal region.

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Amazing breakthrough by the scientists:

Something has been found by the scientists who were trying for years to get a better solution against colon cancer. Something that can actually kill cancer cells has been finally found by the scientists. This wonderful ingredient is coconut oil which is known as the best super food anyway. Now the scientists have found that anti cancer properties are present in the lauric acid contained in this super food. This fatty acid has high amount of antimicrobial properties which boosts the immune system. As per the study conducted by scientists, 90% of the cells of colon cancer could be killed by this lauric acid in just two days of the line of colon cancer cell in vitro. Also the side effects of chemotherapy are lowered by coconut oil.


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