The top Seven Foods that Fight Cancer Naturally

Food is important for maintaining our daily health. The vitamins and minerals found in it are essential for proper functioning of our body. The food we consume has a direct impact on the total health of a body. Adding other healthy lifestyle choices such as drinking plenty of water and regular exercise will have a lot of impact on your health and will increase your chances of living stronger and longer.

There are some foods that will especially fight cancer that are easily available in your local market.  There are foods that especially destroy cancer and cancer causing cells. So don’t forget to include these seven miracle foods in your grocery list that will help you live longer and fight cancer.

Seven foods that attack cancer cells:

Green tea:


Green tea will not only make you look like a superstar but green tea in itself is a superstar in fighting cancer.   In many researches green tea has proven itself effective in fighting and shrinking cancer cells and inhabiting the growth of new ones. Catechins found in green tea are more powerful than vitamin C in fighting free radical damage.


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