Jesus watching the baby in mother’s womb, says Ultrasound image

We do believe in miracles. Don’t we? There are many instances where God has made us believe that he do exist and is looking at us constantly.

Recently, a couple from Pennsylvania claimed that they saw the image of the Jesus watching over their baby in the ultrasound of an expectant mother, Alicia Zeek.

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Some may believe it divine intervention or some may think it to be a case of human Paredolia, but one can’t stop noticing the image of the bearded man who has very much resemblance with Jesus Christ. Alicia said that one can look for himself that the man appears to be looking over her unborn baby.

The baby was born on Wednesday 23 August 2017.

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There was a great pregnancy complication when the couple was expecting their first two children. The children were born with deformities where first child had two thumbs and the second was born with a cleft palate.   But this third child, Briella was perfectly born fit and healthy.

Speaking in an interview, Miss Zeek said ‘when they gave it to us, um, to me it’s Jesus.’ She insisted, it was because of Jesus who watched over her child while in her womb.

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The mother further added, If we can believe in ghostly images in the sky, extra terrestrial objects and magical apparitions, why not Jesus in an ultrasound.



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