10 Common Child Behavioral Problems You Should Understand


Mostly children convey their feelings through their behavior which sometimes can be misinterpreted by adults. Understanding a child’s body language is not easy, one of the psychologists has suggested various ways that can help you understand them better.



When children are angry and show aggression, mostly they try to hide their securities and want an adult’s supervision.

If they are very aggressive, it could mean “they are scared and need your guidance”. If they feel apathetic, it could mean “they are afraid”.



If a child is stealing, it doesn’t mean he needs that thing. Rather it is a behavioral trait showing an emotional issue.

If a child is pulling his hair, it could mean “he is stressed and scared”. If a child speaks quietly, it could mean “he is insecure and under confident”.



When a child gnaws nails, it could mean “he is scared and stressed”. When a child shows introvert behavior, it means “he is afraid of making new friends and don’t know how to talk to others”.

Angry at Parents:


Sometimes, small children get angry and even raise hands at their parents. Their first instinct is to get physical and this emotion is quite new to them.

If a child is raising hand, it could mean “they don’t know any other way to show their anger”.

Asking Questions:


If a child asks too many questions, it means “he is curious, and is interested in knowing more”.

They Don’t Eat Much:


If your child eats a lot, it could mean “food allows them to cope with anxiety”. If they act lazy, it means “they are afraid of not succeeding” or “it’s convenient for them when others do their work”.

Not Interested in Going to School:


If your child is not interested in going to school, the reason could be “he is facing abuse or is being bullied by other children” or “due to parental pressure”.

If your child is in kindergarten and don’t want to go to school, it could be “he is afraid to leave his mom”.


10 Common Child Behavioral Problems You Should Understand-Stammering-NetMarkers

If a child stammers, it means “they are in trauma due to some negative experience like parental separation or losing a loved one. It could also be due to depression”.

Using Bad Words:


When a child speaks abusive words, it could mean “they are emotionally insecure”. When they are greedy, it means “they believe the thing belongs only to them, they lack emotional support”.

They Don’t Listen to Anyone:


If they are disobedient, it could mean “he wants to draw attention in various ways”. If a child has not been introduced to a disciplined routine at a younger age, it can be difficult for him to follow the rules later.


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