10 Secrets About Movie Theater You Must Know

Watching movie in a theater is a unique experience. The 10 movie theater secrets you must know are –


High Volume Could Be Harmful:


Although there are sound regulations that are followed by most movie theater, however there are many that follow their own sound rules. This could be harmful for your ears and could also damage your ears.

Overpriced Snacks:


The popcorn and other snacks are unusually expensive at a movie theater. In many movie theaters you are not allowed to bring your own snacks, hence most people are bound to buy it from there.

Snack Combos:

Snack Combos-NetMarkers

In the snack counter, you will find a screen displaying money saver combo packs. You might find it a good deal but it’s not. You will always find an item or two in the combo that you don’t need.

Theater Cleaning:

Theater Cleaning-NetMarkers

The cleaners don’t get much time to clean between shows, hence the cleaning is not done thoroughly. It is a job done halfheartedly.

You Could be Blacklisted:


People who disrupt and creates disturbance during the screening time may get blacklisted by the theater authorities. Additionally, you may even get banned due to any piracy related issues.



Piracy has become a serious issue today. You need to pay huge fine if you are caught recording a movie. You could also get arrested as it is a serious offence.

Theater Popcorn Smells Good:


You will always find the theater popcorn smelling much better than your home popcorn.  The reason behind it is that they use their own secret which makes you addictive to these popcorn.



During the screening, you get to see the trailers of upcoming movies and too many commercials. Most people don’t mind watching the trailers, but the commercials are very irritating.

Projection Booth:


There is not much job left for a projectionist as the technology has become automated. Mostly theaters have personnel who checks regularly if the movie is running properly or not. During an issue you must inform someone otherwise you may have to wait for a long time.

Theater R-rated Rules:

R-rated Rules-NetMarkers

Most theater employees do not follow the R-rated rules and allow everyone with a ticket to watch the movie. Even if a person is underage but has got a ticket, they can watch the movie.


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