10 Nutritional Mistakes That Makes You Gain Fat

One of the biggest health problems people are facing these days is weight gain and obesity. It may lead to diabetes and organ failure. The main reason behind it is unhealthy food and lifestyle. Eating healthy food and regular exercise can help you fight obesity.

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Below mentioned 10 tips shows common mistakes people make that leads to weight gain –

Wrong Advice:


Never pay attention to wrong advice like – a picture showing that burgers and pizzas have same calories as some veggies. Stay away from such advice.

Eat Healthy:

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You don’t feel satisfied eating low-fat food. They make you feel hungrier and you end up eating more. Eat healthy food and avoid processed food. Healthy food will provide nutrition to your body and you will stay healthy and fit.

Choose Low Fat Food:

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Most people eat processed food that are low in fat due to lack of time for cooking. Although they claim to be healthy, but they are filled with sugar and other taste enhancers.

All Calories are not Equal:

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All calories are not the same. There are good and bad calories. There is no comparison between a burger and veggies even if they have the same number of calories. The insulin released by human body depends on the type of calories, not the number of calories. Moreover, they contain harmful chemicals that can cause severe diseases like cancer.

Eat Protein Rich Food:

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Protein is essential for human body. You must include it in your daily diet. It even helps in weight loss. Protein improves metabolism which burns fat. It reduces appetite and regulates hormones that helps in maintaining good health and weight.

Eat Small Portions:

10 Nutritional Mistakes That Makes You Gain Fat-Eat Small Portions-NetMarkers

According to many dietitians you should eat small portions many times in a day, instead of large meals taken thrice a day. However, this is not correct. You should eat when you feel hungry. Your body intakes more calorie if you eat frequently and this will result in gaining weight.

Include Fiber in Diet:

10 Nutritional Mistakes That Makes You Gain Fat-Include Fiber in Diet-NetMarkers

Fiber is a great source of energy and helps in weight loss. It helps body absorb less calorie. Brown bread is a good source of fiber. You must include it in your diet regularly. Instead of white rice, you should eat brown rice.

Packaged Juice:

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Many people these days drink packaged juices thinking it is healthy, but it is not. It contains sugar and is very harmful.


10 Nutritional Mistakes That Makes You Gain Fat-Breakfast-NetMarkers

You must have heard people saying that you should never skip your breakfast. As a result, many people end up eating a heavy breakfast even if they don’t want to. You should not overeat.

Fresh Fruit Juice:

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Go for fresh fruit juices instead of unhealthy packaged juices. Fresh juice gives vitamins, fiber, minerals and electrolytes to the body. Additionally, these juices contain antioxidants that protects from damage and diseases. Best fruits for weight loos are apples, pears, grapefruits and watermelon.


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