We bet you were not knowing these harmful monster in your home



Our house is full of things that we require for up keeping purposes. Being useful they also have some harmful effects as nothing is purely safest for human use. If people start advertising the harmful effect of their product then no product will exist in the market. There are many products in the markets which are severely life threatening to the humans. Below is the list of products which contain cancer causing component and is extremely harmful for human health.

Air Freshener 

To keep the house smelling fresh and peachy, everyone uses Air Freshener not only in their house but also at their office or the building. These air fresheners are filled in aerosol container.  When we spray the freshener, probable carcinogens are being released which contain “phthalates”, dangerously affecting the reproductive health and makes asthma more severe. It is better to go for some home-made freshener rather than these chemical fresheners. For example you can make a freshener by mixing the refined vinegar with some drops of essential oils in a spray bottle.


air freshener netmarkers




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